About Us
Cleaning Aids

Our Company

Our company was founded in 1977. We are 100% Canadian owned manufacturing company of hundreds of cleaning products for industrial, institutional and commercial uses.

G.K. Chemical Specialties produces over 600 Cleaning & Maintenance Products, Specialty Coating and Restoration Chemicals. Also we are master distributors for over 4000 sanitation products from all over the world.

Over the past years, the company has grown into a well-established company providing services to:

  1. A number of cities and municipalities.
  2. Various provincial ministries: 
    • Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS). This ministry is responsible for all Jail in Ontario and over 184 Police Detachments across the province. G.K. Chemical Specialties is their main supplier for over 20 years with all their sanitation requirements.
    • Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transporation. G.K. Chemical Specialties is also a majour supplier to all these Ministries for various sanitation requirements.
    • Since January of 1998 our company was awarded the Ontario Government Management Board Secretariat contract for Sanitary Paper & Cleaning Suppliers. One supplier supplies all, to all the departments.
  3. The Company has supplied products to the Canadian National Defence with NATO numbers, specifications and requirements.
  4. The company is supplying products to hundreds of other customers and distributors,  To most distributors G.K. provides ONE STOP SHOPPING services. We provide a full package from chemicals to equipment needed for any sanitation requirements.

Products produced by our company fully comply with Canadian Government Specification Board, Health Canada Act, Consumer and Commercial Relations Acts regarding labeling and marking requirements, Transportation Act regarding safe transportation of chemicals and WHMIS (Work Place Hazardous Material Information System) Act regarding safe use of chemicals. Material Health and Safety Data Sheets, Technical information regarding properties and use are provided to our customers.

In the past few years our company has alocated a substantial amount of research, development and study towards non-toxic, biodegradable and safe products.

Presently we manufacture and market a number of excellent environmentally friendly products and we respond to public demands for something better, safer and cleaner.

Each of us has an effect on the future of our planet every time we make a choice in what we produce or buy, no matter how small it may seem.

Our commitment to the world's people today and future generations is that we will continue to innovate and rethink the criteria for product development in order to make the earth a safer place to live today... and tomorrow.

Our reputation has been earned by years of uncompromising quality and service.

We have placed a strong emphasis on flexibility and diversity.

Rely on us. We want to add you to our long list of satisfied customers.